Schlagwort: peer-production

Open Source it Manual – Call for Collaboration

Open Source It Manual Button(Das Open Source it Manual gibt es auch auf deutsch)


my name is Lars. I am an artist and work a lot on open source hardware these days and for a while now. And I have a collaboration/feedback request.

Background: the owi project I work on is about „open source for an ecological economy“. The idea: informations about products have to be open to arrange a circular flow and waste free economy. So for this project I will have to convince people to open up their products. Thinking about that I discovered, that I would have to explain to them how to do that. And so I came up with the idea of a simple manual – an open source it manual – that could do the job and just publish it.

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Ten Theses on Open Source Economy

[Reposted from Elevate-Website]

by David Charles

Stefan Meretz strode onto the stage, eyes blazing, promising fire and brimstone. Channelling the revolutionary power of his medieval countryman, Martin Luther, Stefan proceeded to nail his iconoclastic theses to the door of the Elevate church.

Except that he was using PowerPoint*. And there were only ten. And they were all in German and all about the economy of which I know nothing. But I imagine that medieval journalists in Britain had a similar problem with good old Martin Luthur and his Catholic nonsense, so I’ll press on regardless. (mehr …)

Free Sources or Why Production No Longer Worries Us (Part 2)

Cover of the book containing the German version of this text[Part 1 / Diesen Artikel gibt es auch auf Deutsch.]

Meshes and Routes

Re/production used to be a burden which kept countless people busy for most of their lives. No longer. It has become a relatively easy and mostly pleasant affair, not least because of our reliance on mesh networks. Decentralized mesh networks allow everyone to participate. They are organized in ways that avoid asymmetric dependencies and ensure that nobody can acquire a specifically privileged position.

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Free Sources or Why Production No Longer Worries Us (Part 1)

Cover of the book containing the German version of this text[Diesen Artikel gibt es auch auf Deutsch.]

[This text was first published in German in a collection on utopian thinking and social emancipation edited by the Berlin jour fixe initiative. “The most tangible utopia of this volume,” the editors write. “Christian Siefkes gives his voice to somebody who lives in a not-too-distant future, where the ideas of commons-based peer production have spread beyond the Internet to re-organize production and reproduction in all areas of life on the basis of decentralized, non-hierarchical, voluntary self-organization.” Technologically, not much utopian thinking was needed – all the technologies I describe already exist today, if sometimes in more basic forms. The social changes, however, are radical. License: CC-BY-SA. You can also read the complete article as PDF or EPUB.]

Kitchen Fabrication

We produce in the kitchen or in the bathroom. Most people have some fabrication bots at home. The popular 3D printer/mill combines a 3D printer with a computer-controlled milling machine. 3D printers produce three-dimensional objects by printing multiple layers of bioplastics, metal, or ceramic on top of each other, until the desired object is complete. Within several hours, typical home 3D printers can print objects up to 50 by 40 by 30 centimeters large. That’s big enough to print most durable households items, whether crockery, cutlery, games and toys, or tools. Electrical and electronic appliances are made in the same way, except for the actual electric or lighting elements. It’s also common to print replacement parts if something breaks down or doesn’t fit.

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Peercommony ist kein Gratis-Supermarkt

Contraste-Logo[Der vierte und letzte Teil meiner Diskussion mit Michael Albert, aus der September-2013-Ausgabe der Contraste.]

Michael Albert und Christian Siefkes diskutieren ihre Konzepte für eine Welt nach dem Kapitalismus. Die Teile I III erschienen in den CONTRASTEN Nr. 342, 344 und 346/347. Gekürzte Übersetzung Brigitte Kratzwald, Redaktion Graz.

Michael Alberts Zweifel an Peercommony

Christian Siefkes‘ Darstellung der Peercommony hat viele Ähnlichkeiten mit meinen eigenen Vorstellungen und Wünschen, aber es gibt auch etliche Gegensätze. Ich denke, dass seine Vorschläge manche Aspekte der Wirtschaft ausblenden. Er benennt zwei Bedingungen für Peercommony: erstens, menschliche Arbeit verschwindet durch Automatisierung aus dem Produktionsprozess und zweitens, alle haben Zugang zu Ressourcen und Produktionsmitteln.

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Vortrag zu universellen Infrastrukturen auf dem OPENiT-Festival

OPENiT-Logo (zum Vergrößern klicken)Heute beginnt in Berlin-Kreuzberg das selbstorganisierte OPENiT-Festival, das Lars ja schon angekündigt hat. Auf dem Programm steht unter anderem eine interessante Vortragsreihe im Tee&Schokolade (Dresdner Str. 14).

Am Samstag 28.9.2013 um 16:30 bin ich selber dran mit einem Vortrag zu Universellen Infrastrukturen im virtuellen und materiellen Raum:

Das Internet ist in seinem Kern ein egalitäres, selbstorganisiertes „Netz von Netzen“. Wer sich an die offenen Protokolle hält, darf mitmachen, niemand muss andere um Erlaubnis fragen. Und das Netz ist selbstheilend: wenn eine Verbindung verschwindet, werden stattdessen andere genutzt. Im Vortrag soll es um die Frage gehen, ob sich nach diesen Prinzipien der dezentralen, offenen und selbstheilenden Selbstorganisation weitere Lebensbereiche organisieren lassen, etwa Energieversorgung, Mobilität, Ernährung? Neue computergesteuerte „Ausgabemedien“ wie 3D-Drucker, Lasercutter und CNC-Fräsen könnten hier helfen, doch es kommt auch auf Protokolle und soziale Interaktionen an.

Im Anschluss stellt Nikolay Georgiev die Open Source Ecology vor. Aber auch sonst gibt es viel zu entdecken!

Elevate Open Everything?

Das diesjährige Elevate-Festival in Graz findet vom 23.-27.10.2013 statt. Der Diskurs- und Filmbereich des Festivals steht unter dem Motto »Elevate Open Everything?« und soll die Widersprüchlichkeit der »Open-Bewegung« thematisieren. Ich werde an zwei Veranstaltungen beteiligt sein: Open Source Economy (Donnerstag, 24. Okt., 16:00-17:30, Forum Stadtpark) und Peer-Commons-Produktion (Freitag, 25.Okt., 9:30-12:30, Forum Stadtpark).

The Limits of P2P

world-and-us[Repost with permission (ask here) from a series of articles on P2P & Marxism: part 3, also read part 1 and part 2]

By Jonathan Clyne

In the previous parts of this article, peer-to-peer production was presented as a radical new way of organising production and different from other forms of collaboration. Instead of following the instructions of a top-down hierarchy working in a competitive environment, which is the norm in most businesses, people who felt passionately about a particular project got together on a voluntary basis to create something that was available for anybody who wishes to use it, as long as they did not turn it into private property. That is, it remains in the commons.

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How Does P2P Differ From Other Forms of Collaboration?

world-and-us[Repost with permission (ask here) from a series of articles on P2P & Marxism: part 2, read part 1 here]

By Jonathan Clyne

Collaboration has existed before P2P production and many different forms continue to exist side by side with it. It could therefore be easy to dismiss P2P as nothing new under the sun. Yet that would be a mistake. Several things make P2P unique. In order to understand that it is worth comparing with other forms of collaboration.

The most common form of collaboration, outside the private sphere, exists at any workplace. Simply in order to get the work done people must collaborate. Superficially, it would be easy to identify the difference between P2P and other collaboration on the work place by saying that collaboration at a workplace is based upon bosses deciding and ‘creating’ a team. Formally speaking that is true, but in practice, collaboration at most workplaces is, like P2P, more of a bottom up collaboration.
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