Towards a World Day of the Commons

A proposal for a World Day of Commons October 15, 2010!

Following the Manifesto Reclam the Commons, we suggest organizing the first World Day of Commons on October 15, 2010

This would be a day of public actions, presentations, debates, workshops, shows, meetings,… around the world to share the visions and the practices of Commons and to make them known to the public.

Why are we having a World Day of Commons?

An important number of organizations, coalitions, unions, social and citizen movements nourrish and implement this idea. Reclaiming Commons is a challenge so that the idea of Commons find its place in imagination, be appropriated and shared.

The goal of the World Day of Commons is to make people aware of the importance of Commons for the present and the future of humanity and for the preservation of the planet hearth as an ecosystem.

The goal of this World Day of Commons is to link together the numerous initatives, practices and compare the ideas they represent.

What is the World Day of Commons ?

It is an auto-managed and decentralized initiative.

Each person, organization, social or citizen movements can organize something and link them through this World Day of Commons. Some organizations are already interested and committed to organize workshops, meetings, presentations of their work on that day. All suggestions and activities scheduled for that day will be anounced on the website of the Manifesto Reclaim the Commons. All initiatives can use the Manifesto logo to make itself know. The Internet site will enable to identify and locate initiatives of that day.

The World Day of Commons will be a complement to several initiatives which contribute to the struggle for the right to access to health and sanitization, to open knowledge and education, for the protection of environment and bio-diversity, the cultural diversity and the wisdom of traditional knowledges, and against global warming, food dependency for poor countries’ inhabitants, natural ressources privatisation, bio-piracy as well as privatisation of currency… and several others.

Who organizes the World Day of Commons?

It is organized by each of the organizations which wants to take part in that initiative or groups that gather to work on it.

The faciliation group of the Manifesto will keep a secretariat to prepare that day. It is open to organizations and social and citizen movements which signed the Manifesto Reclaim the Commons.

How can one participate in the organization of the World day?

Let the secretariat know you will participate in the World Day of Commons by sending a message to or by posting on the Manifesto blog.

Please share this information with your contacts and network

What is next?

The World Day of October 15, 2010 is a step in the appropriation of Commons. After that first World Day, the 2011 World Social Forum in Dakar will enable to draw conclusions of this initiative and to decide on its future.

We hope you will take part in this initiative.

Let the secretariat know you will participate in the World Day of Commons by sending a message to facilitation (ät) bienscommuns (döt) org or by posting on the Manifesto blog.



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