Schlagwort: weltsozialforum

Towards a World Day of the Commons

A proposal for a World Day of Commons October 15, 2010!

Following the Manifesto Reclam the Commons, we suggest organizing the first World Day of Commons on October 15, 2010

This would be a day of public actions, presentations, debates, workshops, shows, meetings,… around the world to share the visions and the practices of Commons and to make them known to the public. (mehr …)

Manifest zur Wiedergewinnung der Gemeingüter

forum social mundial[Via CommonsBlog. English version]

Das Weltsozialforum 2009 in Belém do Pará, Brasilien, hat das nachfolgend dokumentierte Manifest beschlossen. Es soll Grundlage für eine globale Kampagne zur Verteidigung und Wiederaneignung der Gemeingüter werden. Die Unterzeichner des Aufrufs schlagen vor, folgende Plattformen zur Mitarbeit und Diskussion zu nutzen.,,,, Hier nun das …

Manifest (mehr …)

Manifest for the recovery of common goods of humanity

forum social mundial[Concluded at World Social Forum of 2009, at Belem – Pará, Brazil. Übersetzung ins Deutsche hier folgt, vgl. auch CommonsBlog]

The enclosure movement in England during the 15th and 16th centuries limited the access to land and its benefits to its owners, thus making it inaccessible to the public as it had been traditionally. This initiated the process of the privatization of common human necessities. Subsequently, the world was ruled under the logic of the capitalistic system of production, in which everything can be transformed into money, and industrialization engendered mass production. The process of privatization, linked to an unrestrained mercantilization, aggravated greed and competition.

(mehr …)