Kategorie: Freie Software

Final Part: Conclusion

This is the final part of a weekly series of articles to appear in the journal Critical Studies in Peer Production (CSPP). In the series I try to describe analytical patterns developed by the Oekonux Project since over ten years of research on Free Software and commons-based peer production. Please visit the introducing part for the background. All released patterns: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.


Far from being a consistent theory of historical transition towards a free society these patterns give a fairly good impression of why they don’t fit into any of the traditional approaches. (mehr …)

Pattern 10: Germ Form

This is part 10 of a weekly series of articles to appear in the journal Critical Studies in Peer Production (CSPP). In the series I try to describe analytical patterns developed by the Oekonux Project since over ten years of research on Free Software and commons-based peer production. Please visit the introducing part for the background. Already released patterns: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

Pattern 10: Germ Form

Last but not least, the most important pattern is the germ form or five-step-model (Holzkamp, 1983). (mehr …)

Pattern 9: Beyond Politics

This is part 9 of a weekly series of articles to appear in the journal Critical Studies in Peer Production (CSPP). In the series I try to describe analytical patterns developed by the Oekonux Project since over ten years of research on Free Software and commons-based peer production. Please visit the introducing part for the background. Already released patterns: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

Pattern 9: Beyond Politics

Since commons-based peer production is mainly about constructing a new mode of production, it is basically a non-political movement. (mehr …)

Pattern 8: Beyond Socialism

This is part 8 of a weekly series of articles to appear in the journal Critical Studies in Peer Production (CSPP). In the series I try to describe analytical patterns developed by the Oekonux Project since over ten years of research on Free Software and commons-based peer production. Please visit the introducing part for the background. Already released patterns: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

Pattern 8: Beyond Socialism

Socialism, as defined by Karl Marx in the “Critique of the Gotha Programme” (Marx, 1875) is a commodity-producing society ruled by the working class. (mehr …)

Pattern 7: Beyond Exclusion

This is part 7 of a weekly series of articles to appear in the journal Critical Studies in Peer Production (CSPP). In the series I try to describe analytical patterns developed by the Oekonux Project since over ten years of research on Free Software and commons-based peer production. Please visit the introducing part for the background. Already released patterns: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Pattern 7: Beyond Exclusion

One of the most basic separations capitalism generates is the separation of those who are inside and those who are not. (mehr …)

Pattern 6: Beyond Classes

This is part 6 of a weekly series of articles to appear in the journal Critical Studies in Peer Production (CSPP). In the series I try to describe analytical patterns developed by the Oekonux Project since over ten years of research on Free Software and commons-based peer production. Please visit the introducing part for the background. Already released patterns: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Pattern 6: Beyond Classes

Capitalism is a society of separations. (mehr …)

Pattern 5: Beyond Labor

This is part 5 of a weekly series of articles to appear in the journal Critical Studies in Peer Production (CSPP). In the series I try to describe analytical patterns developed by the Oekonux Project since over ten years of research on Free Software and commons-based peer production. Please visit the introducing part for the background. Already released patterns: 1, 2, 3, 4.

Pattern 5: Beyond Labor

Free Software and commons in general is beyond labor. (mehr …)

Pattern 4: Beyond Money

This is part 4 of a weekly series of articles to appear in the journal Critical Studies in Peer Production (CSPP). In the series I try to describe analytical patterns developed by the Oekonux Project since over ten years of research on Free Software and commons-based peer production. Please visit the introducing part for the background. Already released patterns: 1, 2, 3.

Pattern 4: Beyond Money

Since money only makes sense for commodities, a non-commodity (cf. pattern 3) implies that there is no money involved. (mehr …)

Pattern 3: Beyond Commodity

This is part 3 of a weekly series of articles to appear in the journal Critical Studies in Peer Production (CSPP). In the series I try to describe analytical patterns developed by the Oekonux Project since over ten years of research on Free Software and commons-based peer production. Please visit the introducing part for the background. Already released patterns: 1, 2.

Pattern 3: Beyond Commodity

In her studies Elinor Ostrom found, that “neither the state nor the market” is a successful means for commons management (1990). (mehr …)