Schlagwort: p2pfoundation

Post-Capitalist Strategy of the P2P Foundation

Michel BauwensA lot of people want to „overcome“ capitalism, but what do they mean by it? Michel Bauwens from the P2P Foundation gave a short note on that topic, which could be interesting to discuss here: Is it really post-capitalist (also see the critique on reciprocity licences)? Here’s the text:

A note on the post-capitalist strategy of the P2P Foundation

Following Kojin Karatini, we agree that the present system is based on a trinity of capital-state-nation, which represents an integration of three modes of exchange. (mehr …)

Book of Peer Production

Journal of Peer ProductionThe Book of Peer Production has been released as a special edition of Journal of Peer Production. It consists of papers written by presenters at the Peer Production-track at the Free Society Conference and Nordic Summit (FSCONS) in Göteborg 2014. It is cool, that all content in the book is in the public domain.

Johan Söderberg and Mathieu O’Neil explain: „In fact, the commons and peer production are two names for describing the same thing: a particular kind of labour relation. This labour relation is predicated on voluntary participation and the self-selection of tasks.“ — This is exactly what I mean by the commons as being a new elementary form (as used by Marx) of social production opposed to the commodity form.

These are the articles of the book: (mehr …)

Will Capitalism Survive »Value Abundance«?

Michel Bauwens, founder of the P2P-Foundation, wrote a great article on Al Jazeera website on the expansion of sharing economy and peer production — and the problems for capitalism it causes.

The headline taken from Bauwens article is somewhat vague, because it is not clear what type of value is meant there. In the text he distinguishes between use value and exchange or monetary value. He explains, that the more use value is produced by way of open source and peer production, the more exchange value has been removed from the market:

Thus, the open-source economy destroys more proprietary software value than it replaces. Even as it creates an explosion of use value, its monetary value decreases.

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Copyleft — Wie sich die Welt an einem Freiheits-Virus infizierte

[Repost aus »Oya – anders denken. anders leben«, Nr. 01/2010, PDF-Download, Lizenz]

Von Lara Mallien

Wissen und das Licht haben viel ­gemeinsam: Wir sprechen von Erleuchtung, vom Geistesblitz, von erhellenden Einsichten. Das Licht wird nicht weniger, gleich, ob zehn oder tausend Menschen es zum Bräunen oder zum Gartenbau nutzen. Hier ­enden die Gemeinsamkeiten, denn das Wissen nimmt sogar zu, je mehr es geteilt wird, je mehr Wissende und Mitdenkende, Weiterdenkende es gibt. Wie die Freude ist auch das Wissen eines dieser geheimnisvollen Gemeingüter, die sich vermehren, wenn wir sie teilen.

Wissen und Erkenntnis teilen sich mit. Selbst wenn etwas unausgesprochen bleibt, liegt es auf seltsame Weise in der Luft. Auch bei großen ­Erfindungen ist das so: Die Glühbirne, die Nähmaschine, das Telefon – sie wurden von mehreren Menschen an mehreren Orten beinahe zeitgleich in die Welt gebracht. Streng genommen gehören noch viel mehr Menschen zu den Urhebern, denn jede Erfindung markiert nur die Spitze eines Eisbergs von Wissen, das unzählige Menschen in den Jahren zuvor zusammengetragen haben. Basiert nicht die Glühbirne auch auf dem alten Wissen der Glasbläser?

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How does social change happen?

Great talk of Michel Bauwens at pixelACHE festival 2009, taking place from 2nd to 5th of April in Helsinki. He discusses traditional socialist theory and compares it with his P2P-approach of change giving a fairly good analysis.

As a conclusion he describes his vision in two scenarios: The so called »high road« is a hope of implementing a kind of a green capitalism adopting mechanisms of peer production, leaded und supported by the Obama administration. The second »low road« scenario is a rather dark one assuming that there will be no change from top down and all change only comes from bottom up, which implies that during the decline of capitalism these grassroot initiatives are predominantly »resilient communities« securing their immediate means of live.

Alternative Economy Cultures PART 2 from pixelACHE festival.

Notes from the Fourth Oekonux Conference I

ox4 conference logoFrom March 27th to 29th, the Fourth Oekonux Conference (announcement) took place in Manchester. It was great to meet some nice people again and to meet many nice and interesting people for the first time (in real life, that is, since I knew many participants already from virtual communications and it was a good experience to finally meet them in person).

Here are some quick notes which I wrote down during the conference sessions and polished and extended a bit afterwards.

During the first day, I didn’t took many notes, since I was busy as session helper (moderating the discussions and so on). Stefan Merten talked about Current limitations of peer production, and ideas on how to overcome them. Since Stefan doesn’t like the idea of social agreements between producers which might involve a coupling between giving and taking (as I discuss in my book), he is stuck with having to hope for technical solutions. Computers are machines for making perfect copies of digital goods, and Stefan hopes for machines can take make perfect copies of physical goods—the old Replicator dream.

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Open Design and Open Manufacturing

we_magazineMichel Bauwens from P2P-Foundation recently published an interesting article in the new we_magazine (=>Manifesto) summing up current developments in peer production. After explaining the most important aspects of immaterial peer production he discusses the differences when coming to material production. The first expansion step into the sphere of material production is the opening of the design process.

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Announcement of 4th Oekonux Conference

Free Software and Beyond
The World of Peer Production
4th Oekonux Conference
in cooperation with
P2P Foundation


Project Oekonux researches the economical, political and social forms of Free Software and similar forms of production we collectively call peer production. In Project Oekonux, different people with different reasons and different approaches get together to build something new. A lot of participants want to know, whether and if so, how, the peer production can serve as a basis for a new society.

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