Schlagwort: open knowledge foundation

Report From Open Knowledge Conference 2011

OKCon 2011 in Berlin was really a great conference and I’m really happy that I were there. Knowing what organizing conferences like this means I’d like to say a big thank you to the organizers.

I don’t have exact numbers but would think that about 200 people attended the conference.

The conference was rather big in terms of program. For two days there were five parallel tracks from 10:00-20:00. A regular slot for a presentation was only 30 minutes unfortunately so beyond some superficial questions there was no room to discuss the things presented. Also there were no time in the schedule between the sessions so it was always a hurry to change rooms. As a result everyone was in a constant hurry which made it difficult to talk to each other.

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Open Knowledge Conference Berlin

This year the OKCon is taking place in Berlin, Germany, on the 31st June and 1st July. The conference is not limited to open knowledge, but interesting talks come from the diverse fields of the commons in general. Personally, I will give an introductory talk on »Understanding Commons and Peer Production«. Christian is talking about »The Emergence of Benefit-driven Production«. The conference entrance fee is 30 Euro per day.

Gründung des deutschen Zweiges der Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN)

Am 6. Mai 2010 werden wir, im Rahmen des Leipziger Semantic Web Tages, mit einer feierlichen Gründungszeremonie den deutschen Zweiges der Open Knowledge Foundation ins Leben rufen. Dazu möchte ich Sie herzlich einladen.

Die Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN) ist eine  internationale, gemeinnützige Nichtregierungsorganisation die sich seit ihrem Bestehen 2004 für den freien und uneingeschränkten Zugang zu ‚offenem‚ Wissen im digitalen Zeitalter einsetzt. Mit der Gründung des deutschen Zweiges der OKFN möchten wir hierzulande Projekte und Veranstaltungen zu Open Knowledge, Open Access, Open Data und Open Government in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Open Data Network und anderen Organisationen und Institutionen initiieren und fördern, die sich für die Offenheit unserer Wissensgesellschaft einsetzen.

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