I am reposting the answer to Bennis bugreport from Vimeo here:
Hi Benni. I had a video interview with Gabi (our female farm director)
and was trying to fit it in, but unfortunately her contributions didn’t
match the subject of this video. There are women working in and around
OSE, but not as many as we would like to see. Hopefully this will
change, but we can’t control the gender of people interested in our
project. Hope this clarifies things.
Her contributions didn’t match the subject of the video??
I have a bugreport for you:
The only woman in the video has an baby in her arms.
Is this new open source ecology thing only about half of mankind?
@ Benni, ja das war dramaturgisch voll daneben. Da sieht man… sie haben irgendwie dran denken wollen und es dann erst recht in den Sand gesetzt 🙂
@Silke: Nicht nur dramaturgisch. Sie haben übrigens bei vimeo unter dem Video geantwortet, wenn auch wenig überzeugend.
I am reposting the answer to Bennis bugreport from Vimeo here:
Her contributions didn’t match the subject of the video??