iTWire: Ubuntu begins its transformation

Der Vergleich zwischen Debian und Ubuntu bleibt spannend:

It must be noted that Mark Shuttleworth, founder of Canonical, the company that owns Ubuntu, has never sought to disguise the fact that Ubuntu will be supported both as a free of cost option and as a commercial offering.

With its sixth release, the commercial side of things will come into focus more sharply as proprietary drivers are included as default options in Ubuntu. Until now, these drivers have stayed in a non-free repository and never been the default choice. (…)

Public comment was mostly against using proprietary drivers as defaults. One typical comment ran thus: „I am concerned whether this spec is worth installing binary drivers. I think we will lose our arguments for free graphic drivers by doing so and also shoot other supporters like Fedora or Suse in the back. A small popup informing the user about non-free drivers means nothing when we give our best to make free drivers obsolete on the other hand.“

Treiber, GNU/Linux’s Achillesferse, weil sie die notwendige Schnittstelle zur weiterhin weitgehend strikt proprietaeren Hardwarewelt sind?

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